Gardener Community Service

Hello gardeners! Whether you're a founding member, or a new gardener, we need YOUR help in keeping our community garden looking great.

When you renewed your plot, you signed up, and received, details about your Gardener Community Service Commitment: The Weekend Workdays, or Sanitation Committee participation.

If you have misplaced these documents, below are some general reminders, if you need additional details, or need to re-schedule either date, please contact Karen ( ASAP to re-schedule!

Weekend Workdays

Day and Time

  • The Weekend Workdays will take place on Saturday or Sundays 9:30am -12pm. These dates will be Please check the TSG calendar (under Members on the menu above) to see the dates. More information can be found on our Volunteer Page.

In case of rain:

  • If there is heavy rain at 9am, workday is cancelled that day. Please check your email or texts! Make sure you have and in your contacts!

  • Rain date will be Sunday (the day after), at the same time. If Sunday is also rainy, workday is postponed to the following Saturday.

Can't make the workday?

Don't forget to bring your own gloves, small hand tools, hats, water bottle, sunblock to the workdays!

Sanitation Committee

Last year we added the Sanitation Committee. Members of this committee have the following responsibilities.

  • Take trash out on Sunday night (Put only trash bags and blue recycling bins out for pick-up, leaving trash cans inside the gate).

  • Bring in the recycling bins inside the gates after trash pickup, and put lids back on.

  • Replace black trash bags into trash cans.

Members of this committee are exempt of ONE workday.

This committee is perfect for gardeners that live near by, so that bringing bins as soon as possible is convenient to them.

This role is critical to ensuring the garden runs smoothly. If a week is missed, then there is double the trash for the following week, with the possibility of City fines. For that reason, the Garden requires folks that will be able to follow-through on the date(s) they have signed-up for. If there’s an emergency that prevents you from fulfilling your date(s), please contact Karen at ASAP.