Upcoming Events for Summer:


If you signed up for these workdays, please check your email, as you’ll get information on the tasks that will be done that day!

2024 Dates to be Announced.

Garden Contacts:

Chair— chair@thespringgardens.org

Vice Chair— vicechair@thespringgardens.org

Treasurer— treasurer@thespringgardens.org

Secretary— secretary@thespringgardens.org

Plot Assignment— plotassignment@thespringgardens.org

Plot Monitor— plotmonitor@thespringgardens.org

Volunteering— volunteering@thespringgardens.org

Horticulture - horticulture@thespringgardens.org

Compost - compost@thespringgardens.org

Events & Fundraising - events@thespringgardens.org

Communications - communications@thespringgardens.org

General Inquiries- info@thespringgardens.org