Gardening 101

New to gardening or The Spring Gardens? Here’s a helpful page for you! It will continue to be updated.

Send your gardening questions to!

When to start your seeds?

Seed packets will have general information on whether they need to be started indoors, or outdoors. The packet will usually include a “start before last frost date”. Historically that date has been around Tax day (April 15) for Philadelphia; but given the warm winters we’ve had, you might want to push that day about a week before.

The Philadelphia Planting guide is a helpful resource if you have a general idea of what types of vegetables you’d like to plant.

How do you operate the water pumps at The Spring Gardens?

Our new watering system was installed last year, and after a whole year of using it we’ve found the best way to operate it, to make this system last longer, and minimize failure.

At the beginning of your watering session, turn the blue handle up. This turns on the water at your watering station.

Keep it on for the duration of your watering session.

As you fill your watering can, use only the yellow valve to turn the water on and off.

At the end of your watering session, turn the yellow valve off.

Now you may turn off the blue handle down, to shut down your watering station.

If you notice any water leaks, please communicate them immediately to